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At Rufford, we follow a broad and balanced History curriculum that builds on previous learning and provides both support and challenge for learners. Our History curriculum strategically incorporates a range of modules that revisit, elaborate and sophisticate key concepts, events, people and places with our structure being built around the principles of advancing cumulative knowledge, chronology, change through cause and consequence, as well as making connections within and throughout periods of time studied.  We use the CUSP Unity Schools Partnership Curriculum to ensure progression for our children from Early Years into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and to support staff subject knowledge and development.  



The foundational knowledge of the curriculum is positioned to ease the load on the working memory: new content is connected to prior learning. This supports children to associate and connect significant periods of time, people, places and events; building their knowledge as they move through our school.

Our History Curriculum is well-sequenced and planned for progression. Children are engaged and enthused about learning about the past, and gain not only knowledge, but the skills they require to think like a historian to prepare them for future learning at secondary school.

Our children develop an understanding of the world in which we live and the way the past has shaped this. Children at Rufford leave us with cultural capital that they can utilise throughout their educational journey and to help them thrive in our modern world.


Here is our Rufford Route for History:

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