PHSE at Rufford
At Rufford, our values underpin our Curriculum and this is the case for PHSE as well. In PHSE, we support our children to develop Resilience by teaching mindfulness and self-regulation. We encourage children to consider different views and work together to solve problems; emphasising that setbacks are opportunities for learning and growth. For Integrity, we use PHSE as a way to incorporate discussions on ethics, honesty, and fairness; we want our children to make ethical decisions. We also encourage children to see the role they play in our school community and what an important part they play in the life of the school. We want them to take this sense of responsibility and integrity on through their life. Lessons include opportunities that encourage self-reflection and goal-setting to help children understand themselves better. In all aspects, we define excellence as being better today than we were yesterday. In PHSE, this includes developing a better understanding of others each day and showing greater respect for everyone in our school community.
Central to the PSHE and RHE curriculum that we provide to our children will always be their happiness, safety and wellbeing; and we will ensure that ideas, issues and themes are discussed in an age-appropriate manner.
The PSHE curriculum at Rufford will empower our children to connect with themselves, their families and friends, their community, and the rapidly changing wider world. Our PSHE curriculum helps our children to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful life beyond our school. They will have the knowledge and skills to enable them to stay mentally and physically safe and make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health, and relationships. They will have self-efficacy and understand that everyone faces difficulties in their lives. They will understand how to be present and enjoy the moment they are in, not be distracted by the past or worried for their future. They will understand and regulate their thoughts and emotions and know how they are able to relate to the world in ways that make others feel comfortable relating to them.
Our curriculum fosters an understanding and appreciation of exercise and nutrition, why sleep is important, the impact of the outdoors on their physical and mental health and the benefits of good hygiene and how to be safe online. Our Relationships and Health Education aims to promote healthy relationships and the understanding that there are different families, friendships, and relationships. Our Jigsaw scheme of learning teaches children to respect others even when they are different from them or make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs. We expect our children to stand tall against any form of discrimination.
If you have any questions or queries about our curriculum, please just get in touch and we will be happy to answer them and to share examples of the resources we use.
We follow the Jigsaw high-quality scheme of work but we have made amendments to ensure it meets the needs of our children. We also further enhance the curriculum by including learning about UK Parliament Week and Anti-bullying Week. We include lessons about managing money and celebrate Careers Week and Children's Mental Health Week. Each week, we have a Picture Book Assembly to share a story that connects to event that week, These include topics such as: Holocaust Memorial Day, Autism Awareness and Earth Day.
Here is a link to our PHSE (RHE) Policy:
Here is a link to the presentation that we shared with parents:

Here are other useful documents about our curriculum: