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At Rufford Primary School, we know that Religious Education is an essential part of delivering our vision for our children to have the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in our modern world. We want our children to be responsible citizens who recognise the importance of mutual respect and understanding in their community and in the wider world around them. We recognise that children must be guided to develop this understanding and and, in turn, tolerance. R.E. is an important part of the curriculum for achieving these goals. We use Jigsaw RE to support the teaching of Religious Education across school. This scheme supports the Dudley Agreed Syllabus. This scheme enables children to make links between their own experiences and the teachings of different religions as well as the opportunity to develop their critical thinking skills and expand their empathy for people and their beliefs.
Jigsaw RE is an innovative and comprehensive scheme of work for Religious Education (for ages 3-12). We believe RE is a vitally important component of children’s personal, social and spiritual development. Developing an understanding of their own and others’ worldviews underpins the growth of empathy and respect. Appreciating that we all see the world through the lens that has been formed by our experiences, upbringing, culture etc and that this influences our decision-making and our own way of seeing the world is so valuable.
In Early Years, learning is closely matched to Development Matters in order to contribute meaningfully to your child’s holistic development. Through Jigsaw RE, we are treating all the worldviews studied as equally valid and valuable, hence we refer to both ‘religious’ and ‘non-religious’ standpoints as ‘worldviews’ so as not to imply preference or differentiate unfairly.
We enrich our children's personal development and understanding of different faiths through our programme of visits to different religious buildings, where they meet people of different faiths and have the opportunity to ask questions and find connections. We also celebrate festivals from different religions throughout the year with each class leading a different celebration performance.
Jigsaw RE gives schools a choice of which religions to teach in different year groups. At Rufford we have chosen the following options as we feel this creates a cohesive approach to our planning, reflects the community we serve and is aligned with the Dudley Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028.
Here is our Rufford Route for Religious Education:

Religious Education